The Stream of Bode's Consciousness

This is a Blog. I am Bode. That makes this Bode's Blog. Who would be me. You can read Blogs. Like this one. So please do. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Happy Place: The Apple Store

I went to the Apple store today yesterday, to try to fix my iBook. I was trying to retrieve some files I accidentally deleted while doing 2-3 other things, and with my paltry memory it froze. I had to restart it, the directory or something was damaged. (I just backing up and re-instlalling).

While there, I got to see the new iPod, and I can't wait to get mine. I should be ordering it today.

I also played with the new iMac, and it's great. Photobooth is a blast.
And Frontrow is amazing. As soon as they stick it on the Mac mini, I'll buy one my self.

I really could just stay there and play on the computers all day, but they'd probably kick me out. I''d be like the kid at Target who never leaves the video games so others can play.

Oh, and don't even ask why I'm up this late.

Monday, October 17, 2005

What happened to quality Spam?

What ever happened to quality Spam? I mean, today's Spam is really boring. Remember back in the day when Spam was somewhat entertaining and creative?* Nowadays it's just "Click here to make millions!" or "Click here to see a luscious beauty and here 24/7 webcam" or "Congratulations! You've won!"

What happened to originality? You used to get stuff like**:
  • "The government has made it illegal to eat the food currently in your fridge. Find out how to replace it with legal food at no charge to you!"
  • "My cat Stutsey has broken his leg. Sign up here for a new credit card so he can have it replaced and regain his freedom."
Or the classic
  • "An evil sorceror has broken out of magic prison! Buy Firbie's and build an army to defeat him!"
Ok, I know these examples are lame, but give me a break, it's late.

At least they're better than:
"Click Here! Free iPods and condoms! Free shipping! Get Cash Fast! Free Poker! Big $$! Porn! See Hott Girls Webcams!! NOW! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!!"

*It is quite possible that Spam never had a better stage. I am making this up for effect.

**This is entirely made up.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bode's Funky Non-Word

Ok, so I'm already getting spammed, so I stuck the word verification on.
I've officially entitled it "Bode's Funky Non-Word"

Think of it not as a hindrance, but as an entertaining rest stop on the road to posting.

And I've included a wonderful picture of Spam for you to enjoy.


Hey, guys, I've made it so you don't need a Blogger acount to comment, but it makes you "anonymous"
So, just sign it at the the bottom so I know who you are (unless of course you like to be mysterious).

OK, I was stupid. Just select other and type in your name.
Or you can be mysterious. Whatever.

And here's a random image from Google:

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Look! A Blog!

Yes, Bode has a blog. You knew I'd get one sometime.

Ok, I'm excited for my new iPod.
I'm going to buy one, as I've been waiting for it since iTunes could store video.
I have to finish my stupid PSEO application first. It should've been done like a month ago, though.

Pictures, oh beautiful pictures: